• Quality
  • Cost-Effective
  • Highly Responsive Service
About Us

ALCS provides one-stop administrative services for bankruptcy and class action cases. Our sophisticated claims and noticing services focus on the middle market and provide a dedicated service to these often overlooked clients.

ALCS team members share our core beliefs of dedication to client service through quality, cost effective and highly responsive service. Our team desires to please our clients and surpass expectations by providing exceptional quality and responsiveness with overwhelming savings.

Jeffrey L. Pirrung
Claims, Noticing & Disbursement Administration
(904) 517-1442
Email Me!

Class Action

Pre-Settlement Consulting

ALCS has the expertise to assist in many areas of the settlement process and can design an administration program that is tailored to each client’s specific needs. There are hundreds of details to consider when planning a class action administration. ALCS can help determine potential claims rates and settlement structures to provide the most cost-effective methods of notice and distribution. ALCS can provide advice to help determine realistic timelines and can provide guidance on media notice planning and design as well as website and call center planning.

Project Management

The ALCS team has a wealth of experience in providing support to class action administration. In this role ALCS will create a Management Action Plan (MAP) for each case that will include but not be limited to tracking court ordered dates, disbursement dates, confidential information control procedures, claims processing guidelines, QSF guidelines, disbursement rules and procedures as well tax reporting requirements. Our dedication to customer service requires us to be available 24/7. ALCS is recognized for its responsiveness, quality, and cost-effectiveness with a focus on every client as if they were our only client.

Legal Notification and Communications

LCS will partner with each client to ensure that the target audience is reached through customized, cost-effective direct and media-based notice. Effective communication with class members is an essential part of the settlement administration. Our services include but not limited to media-based notice (online, newspaper, radio, television), direct mail notice, email notice, forms design and printing, media campaign design and implementation, customizing of complex notice and claim forms, and development of case-specific website to disseminate case information to class members. Our legal notification team ensure that your notice is adequately reached with a clear and understandable notice.

Settlement Class Data Management

ALCS will use its sophisticated proprietary system to develop a customized class member database that will facilitate efficient and cost-effective noticing. We will ensure that your mailing list and customized data is accurate and well structured to facilitate efficient noticing and allow a cost-effective quality administration. Our services include but not limited to class member identification, database design and management, ability to receive a diverse type of files formats and layouts, ability to combine multiple records into one record, de-duping of duplicate records, developing complex customized data processing of the data, formatting of mailing lists to meet case specific needs and address locator services.

Certification and Settlement Mailings

ALCS will provide innovative methods to reach your class members by developing and executing a cost-effective highly responsive settlement mailing program. As a result of technology developments the world of communication has made a drastic shift in the past decade. Instead of newspapers and mail we now have social networking, tweeting, and blogging. We will provide the traditional direct mailing services but will also offer newer technologically sophisticated methods of reach to satisfy your settlements mailing needs. Our services will include mailing design services, response tracking and compilation, tracking and remailing to updated addresses for undeliverable mail, as well as Privacy, Belaire-West, Opt-Out and Discovery mailings.

Claims Administration

ALCS will use its sophisticated proprietary software to provide a customized, flexible, claims processing system that will allow for intake of claims from regular mail, online filing, fax, and telephonic sources. Our processing capabilities allow for a simple form only requiring a signature to a complex form that required detailed information and attachments. We use technology to provide a cost-effective receipt, data capture, and claim archiving to allow our claims processing group to focus on claim validation instead of moving paper. ALCS utilizes Web portals to allow third-party review and scoring of claims. Each step of the claims process is subject to a rigorous Quality Assurance Program that ensures exceptional quality and accuracy.

Communications Center

ALCS fully domestic call center offers a integrated communications center that allows for both live and Interactive Voice Response (IRV) call support in conjunction with email, website, and print functionality. In most class actions the callers to a communications center are current, former or potential, customers and employees. We understand the importance of meeting their needs when they reach out for help. It each case we offer a case specific toll-free number as well as 24/7 accessibility, foreign language services, and quality control procedures. ALCS’s call center representatives are able to reduce inquiries to Counsel by addressing their concerns, providing information based upon the script they are provided, answering general frequently asked questions regarding the settlement, and providing documents when requested.

Web Design and Maintenance

ALCS will provide a case-specific website for each case. The website will be tailored specifically for each settlement we administer. Our sophisticated proprietary software allows us a highly configurable set of options and settings that allow our clients to customize the website to their specific needs. Each of our websites has the ability to house public documents for review and printing, allow viewers to register as class members if appropriate, allow class members to login for submission of documents when required, file online claims, check the status of a claim, view case updates, see answers to frequently asked questions, and have access to additional contact information when required. ALSC can provide statistics for action taking place on the website allowing the client to see its impact to the settlement.

Fund Disbursement and Tax Reporting

ALCS will manage settlement funds, handle the disbursement of funds to class members and will coordinate all necessary tax reporting. We will utilized Qualified Settlement Funds (QSF) when required and will handle all aspects including procurement of tax id number and filing of tax returns. We will provide settlement disbursements in the form of checks, Automated Clearing House (ACH) transfers and wire transfers. We will also provide non-traditional settlement options such as coupons, discount/gift cards and vouchers. ALCS will capture and handle all printing and mailing related to W-2, 1099’s and will remit payment and file all necessary tax reports. ALCS utilizes Positive Pay for checks to reduce fraudulent activity. Our internal data security practices are designed to meet or exceed todays industry standards.


Class Actions